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Overseas Constituency Campaign 
The voices of UK citizens abroad must be heard

Although all UK citizens living abroad are all able to vote due to the removal of the 15 year bar, their voices are substantively muted by a weak system of representation in Westminster.  They are represented by the MP from their last place of residence in the UK (which they might have left over 30 or 40 years ago). Their MP are likely to have had little experience of dealing with the issues citizens abroad regularly face. This means their issues are often not addressed, or only poorly addressed by their MP.

With overseas constituencies (areas designated as a district for the representation of eligible voters residing temporarily or permanently abroad), we can ensure UK citizens living abroad are properly represented by MPs who focus on dealing with the challenges UK residents abroad face. 

Currently, 17 countries, including several European countries – Croatia, France, Italy, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Portugal, and Romania have established overseas constituencies. 

The UK could implement such a system through a two-stage process: first, running a registration drive for eligible citizens, and second, determining the number of MPs, based on the registered number of overseas voters, and set by the Boundary Commission using the typical UK constituency electorate.  The creation of overseas constituencies would not need to diminish the current number of constituencies and so would not require redrawing constituency boundaries.

New Europeans UK, together with Unlock Democracy, campaigns for the establishment of overseas constituencies in the UK parliament.

My personal feeling is that if you leave the UK to live elsewhere (not necessarily the EU) then
your MP has no further interest in you.

We believe that overseas constituencies will:

Strengthen representation for those living abroad: overseas constituencies ensure that eligible voters residing abroad have dedicated representation, acknowledging that their territorial links to UK constituencies may weaken over time.

Align Interests for all UK citizens overseas: Overseas voters share concerns and interests with other UK citizens residing abroad, particularly for those who live in the EU regarding the challenges arising from the loss of EU citizenship.

Simplify Participation for those abroad: Establishing overseas constituencies simplifies the registration and voting process for UK citizens abroad, providing them with a more streamlined and efficient way to participate in elections.

You can add your support for our joint Overseas Constituencies campaign by signing the petition, sharing the campaign on social media or sending your MP a pre-written email (see below).

    The stories of UK citizens abroad

    Angela Felicissimo


    Michael Soffe


    Lisa Burton


    Andy Davies


    Phoebe Luton


    Vanessa Hughes


    Clarissa Killwick


    Ruth Duncan


    Victoria Wallington


    John Shardlow


    Sarah Douglas


    Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell


    Marry Poths


    Stephan Corsham


    Mike Phillips



    The following are responses to a citizens’ panel, which formed part of the Brexit Brits Abroad study, led by Professor Michaela Benson, who is also a board member of New Europeans UK. 

    Rather than retaining a vote in my last UK constituency, I would prefer there to be an MP whose constituency is a group of overseas countries (1 MP per continent?) It would seem to be a good way to give a meaningful vote to UK taxpayers living overseas.

    We need to be allowed to vote on issues that affect us directly irrespective of how long we have been away from the UK. We also need a dedicated MP to represent us, one that will be better placed to understand our issues and needs and will be able to speak on our behalf rather than trying to juggle our needs at the same time as local issues.

    A report on ‘British citizens in the EU after Brexit’ by Prof Benson and her colleagues concluded on political participation “that while the vote for life will be welcomed, more could be done to tailor the franchise so that the extensive population of British citizens living outside the UK might have better democratic representation”

    The Case for Overseas Constituencies

    Chair of New Europeans UK, Dr. Ruvi Ziegler, who is Associate Professor in International Refugee Law, sets out the case for the introduction of overseas constituencies in the UK. He argues that further electoral reform is “desirable” following the removal of the 15-year limit to voting for Britons abroad.
