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Are you a Brit living and/or working abroad? We are looking for case stories of Brits of all ages and backgrounds to help dispel some myths about Brits abroad. The case stories will feature in our campaign for overseas constituencies, which New Europeans UK is running in collaboration with the organisation Unlock Democracy.

It is hoped the initiative will help bust some of the common myths about retired Brits simply lounging about in the Mediterranean, soaking up the sun. University research from our board members, Michaela Benson, shows that this is a skewed image. As part of the Brexit Brits Abroad project, which she leads, Professor Benson informs us that 79% of the British population living in the EU are of working age and below.

That’s why we would like Brits abroad of all ages, ethnicity, backgrounds, and professions or trades to share their stories in support of our campaign. Overseas constituencies would mean that Brits living and working abroad would have a dedicated MP looking after issues affecting them, such as securing their status, recognition of professional qualifications, driving licences and pensions. Such constituencies could also help support British citizens, who promote the UK abroad through work and volunteering. Countries with a population size not too dissimilar to that of the UK, such as France and Italy, already have overseas constituencies. Others include Lithuania, North Macedonia, Portugal, and Romania. 

Anyone interested in sharing their story for the campaign can contact:

Read more about our project and call for case studies in media coverage here and here.