EUSS Advice and Support in Leicester
From October to December 2024 we have helped over 98 EU and non EU nationals in Leicester providing free EUSS legal advice and support.
The complexity of the cases that we are seeing remains high. The majority of our clients seem to struggle with providing evidence of their continued residence in the UK.
We continue to receive referrals from our partners SOCOPA (Somali community) and Information Generale (Romanian community).
We are also receiving referrals through our wider networks, including the British Red Cross in Leicester and recently from another Somali Organisation, Women4Change.
We took part in the Somali Wellbeing Festival organised by our partner SOCOPA and the Leicester Somali Festival 2024 by the Somali Development Services (SDS). These events made us witness the size of this community in Leicester and understand their varying needs, as well as the amazing work that is being done in order to assist them.
In November we joined the Leicestershire Police Cohesion Team for a community cohesion event focused on fostering cohesion and unity across communities and faiths. We also organised an event celebrating Albania’s Independence Day. The event was facilitated by the Church of the Martyrs – Church of England community in Leicester City to whom we extend our special gratitude for supporting us with the organisation of this event. The event brought together the Albanian community and showcased the need for these kinds of activities in the community.
In December we were invited to run our second EU Settlement Scheme Info Session with the community members of Women4Change. We look forward to seeing all the community members again in 2025 and continuing our close work together.

Contact us for outreach work in Leicester:
If you are a community group or organisation which would like to discuss working in partnership with us, or for us to run a session with your staff/ volunteers on the EU Settlement Scheme, please contact
Marinela Bojaxhiu on
If you work with someone who needs support with the EU Settlement Scheme please email: