We celebrate #EuropeDay2023 by highlighting the various work we do to secure EU citizens’ rights. First off, what do we mean by a collective approach to policy and advocacy?
We coordinate the Civil Society EUSS Alliance. This is a group of organisations across the UK focusing on the EU Settlement Scheme made up of frontline service delivery, campaigning and policy organisations. We meet to share good practice, raise issues and concerns, and develop a collective approach to policy and advocacy.
We took over coordination of the EUSS Civil Society Alliance in February 2021. In 2022, the Alliance comprised of over 100 organisations from across the UK working nationally, regionally and locally that include front line advisors, strategic litigators, campaign groups, policy experts, grass roots community groups and academics.
We support this community of practice, pooling the significant expertise, insights and experience of the group with a range of links to the Home Office, EU Delegation, the IMA, MPs and Local Authorities, as well as communities subject to the EU Settlement Scheme.
If you are interested in finding out more or attending a meeting please contact us.

Watch Civil Society EUSS Alliance guest speakers